Stewartby Brickworks

aspireDM advised Cloud Wing on their planning application for the regeneration of Stewartby Brickworks, along with associated activities to enable development to be brought forward on this c.140 acre brownfield site. The planning application, for which approval was obtained in 2022, consented the redevelopment of what was once the world’s largest brickmaking facility. The scheme comprises over 1,000 homes of varying form along with associated commercial and community facilities required to create a new village with deep roots to the site’s historical past.
The masterplan proposed the retention and repurposing of several heritage assets associated with the original brickmaking operation, including the London Brick Company headquarters building, the retained kiln walls and a brick chimney with ‘Stewartby’ lettering.
aspireDM Services Summary:
- Leading negotiation with Network Rail on future crossing and shared value arrangements, along with engagement on East-West Rail proposals;
- Fielding queries from statutory consultees as part of the planning process and working with the project team to provide technical responses;
- Working with utilities providers to derive an infrastructure plan for the site;
- Advising on and executing a marketing strategy for a delivery partner for the development, including providing assurance on technical development constraints;
- Preparing a programme, and appointing contractors for the demolition of existing buildings on site, including four brick chimneys, up to 70m tall.