
Wellcome News from South Cambridgeshire

On the 24th October, South Cambridgeshire District Council supported an outline planning application to provide a further 150,000sqm of space for employment, conferencing and supporting facilities at the Wellcome Trust’s Genome Campus in Hinxton.
The Wellcome Trust appointed aspireDM as Development Manager in 2017 to help them build on the scientific foundations of their world-renowned genome campus in Cambridgeshire to become the international centre for scientific, business, cultural and educational activities arising from genomes and biodata.

There will be up to 1,500 homes for campus-based staff, 30% of which will be affordable. It is estimated that around 4,300 new jobs will be created by the expansion of the campus. The proposal also includes land for a new school, a nursery and community facilities and provides public open spaces and allotments. There will also be shops and food and drink outlets, new cycling and walking paths, road crossing points and alterations to local roads including a new roundabout on the A1301. A fitness centre and health centre are also included in the plans.

The campus is proposed to be opened up to provide public access, which would enable surrounding communities to use a range of open space and facilities.

Professor Sir Mike Stratton, Director of the Wellcome Sanger Institute said: “We are delighted South Cambridgeshire District Council has resolved to grant planning permission for the campus expansion. The expansion plans represent a momentous opportunity to ensure that the full scientific, health, societal and economics benefits of Genomes and Biodata are realised.”

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